Monday, November 21, 2011

Blogger hates uploading stuff.

I've sent the sound around. Blogger hates us all.

Volume: I think volume was sufficient, since we managed to maintain audibility over the hordes of Chipotle people. I suppose I seem somewhat soft compared to Emmanuel; he seems to pick up better on the iPhone recording thing. He also had far more exciting things to talk about. We both got loud when a table next to us started yelling. Also, when we started suggesting that we all go sing karaoke. I'm not really sure what else to say. Volume seemed moderately uniform.

Pace: I speed up when I'm agitated. I think Emmanuel and I talk faster in conversation than in oral presentations, but I think that's understandable/normal. We're not trying to get the other to understand complicated legal matters and we're trying to cover broad ranges of topics.

Energy: I am probably only energetic when uttering "I will eat everything!". Since most of what I talk about involves school work, I am somewhat monotonous sounding. I recall propping my head on my hands for most of this conversation. It had been a long day. Emmanuel seems far more energetic than I. Towards the end, we both start giggling a lot; I suppose that injects more energy into the conversation.

Pitch/Tone: As mentioned, I tend toward the monotonous. Even if a sentence starts out in a promising fashion, it tends to flatline toward the end. I sound lower on recording than I feel I sound. Emmanuel has much more variance in pitch and tone. I think it goes hand in hand with his more energetic manner of speaking.


  1. Pace: I think it’s a good pace. You’re fast yet clear – efficient.
    Pitch: Good at expressing questions and exasperation.
    Volume: Good volume.
    Tone: Good, seemed appropriate, even started freaking me out about Wills & Estates.
    Energy: You sounded so energetic and not dry at all.

  2. Pace: You had a very steady pace
    Energy: I thought your energy was high for most of the conversation, especially when we were planning the karaoke and talking about food! Happy thoughts tend to be related to high energy!
    Pitch: Medium to high ... definitely got louder as the conversation progressed
    Tone: Very entertaining, gitty, fun!
