
While neither of them necessarily tell a story, they suggest a lot within their frames. The first one embodies happiness, with a stark juxtaposition against Calvin's parents obvious distress. The second combines my two favourite themes in Calvin and Hobbes comics: snow men and Calvin's imagination/dinosaurs. Like I said, not much of a story. But again, the juxtaposition (of innocent childhood snowman-building and evil T-rex-destroying-city) is what makes Bill Watterson so entertaining, if not as much of a story teller.
I ended up finding some images from the graphic novel "From Hell" that I thought were very effective. I'd like to discuss them as well, but Blogger won't let me upload them in this post, so... NEW POST.
HAHAHAHA! I love the snowmen one. While perhaps not a profound story, we can see here Calvin making one snowmen, then a few more, and hen realizing that he's a lot bigger than the snowmen (like godzilla is a lot bigger than humans). I infer from this comic strip than Calvin proceeded by devastating the small snowman community he created.